Uses for locally generated housing funds

Supplementing limited federal resources
Local resources help to ensure that affordable housing projects are economically feasible, often providing an essential layer of financing that closes the gap between available funds and the project’s cost. Some federal housing and community development programs also require a local match, making locally-generated resources a prerequisite to access program funds. Finally, local funds can increase the impact of federal programs by expanding their reach –for example, by providing additional subsidies that allow project sponsors to provide deeper affordability for a portion of units in LIHTC developments.
Covering activities ineligible for federal funding
Assisting households ineligible for federal aid
Addressing local challenges
Subject to the limitations of state law, locally-designed housing programs can be tailored to address any housing-related activity that the city or county identifies as a priority. This flexibility allows local funds to be focused on specific populations, such as young people transitioning out of foster care or former inmates, or specific activities, such as creating an after-school enrichment program for children at a local affordable housing development.