To enhance local affordability. To foster inclusive communities.

Housing Policy Library

The Housing Policy Library contains information on housing policies that may be of interest to cities, towns, and counties. To help make sense of the dozens of policy options available to localities, review the Housing Policy Framework.

Each write-up provides an introduction to key policy components and considerations and links to materials providing more information. These policies are organized into a series of categories and sub-categories that correspond to key roles that are executed by local housing policy. Click on the policy name to access the policy description. The categories and sub-categories together comprise our housing policy framework.

Policy Briefs

LHS Policy Framework

0 selected
No results found
I. Create and preserve dedicated affordable housing units (37)
Creating durable affordable homeownership opportunities (3)
Establishing incentives or requirements for affordable housing (6)
Expanding the availability of affordable housing in resource-rich areas (3)
Facilitating the acquisition or identification of land for affordable housing (5)
Generating revenue for affordable housing (11)
Preserving existing affordable housing (3)
Supporting affordable housing through subsidies (6)
II. Align housing supply with market and neighborhood housing conditions (21)
Creating incentives for new development or redevelopment (5)
Dealing with vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent properties (4)
Reducing development costs and barriers (12)
III. Help households access and afford private-market homes (22)
Combatting housing discrimination (4)
Promoting mobility for housing choice voucher holders (3)
Providing tenant-based rental assistance (4)
Reducing barriers to homeownership (8)
Reducing energy use and costs (2)
Regulating the use of existing housing stock (1)
IV. Protect against displacement and poor housing conditions (18)
Enhancing community stability (2)
Enhancing homeowners’ housing stability (2)
Enhancing renters’ housing stability (5)
Ensuring the ongoing viability of unsubsidized affordable rental properties (3)
Improving quality of both new and existing housing (6)

Policy Objectives

0 selected
No results found
Affirmatively furthering fair housing (21)
Bridging racial homeownership gaps (1)
Encouraging walkable mixed-use development (8)
Enhancing resilience to flooding and other climate-related threats (3)
Expanding access to public transit (13)
Expanding affordable housing in resource-rich neighborhoods (31)
Improving educational outcomes for children (11)
Improving housing quality and safety (26)
Improving the health of children and adults (13)
Increasing access to sustainable homeownership (41)
Increasing housing stability for renters and owners (36)
Increasing the affordability of rental housing (53)
Meeting the housing and services needs of older adults and people with disabilities (16)
Preserving market affordable rental housing (5)
Preserving the existing stock of dedicated affordable rental housing (21)
Reducing energy use and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions (5)
Reducing homelessness and meeting the emergency needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness (20)
Reducing housing discrimination (4)
Strengthening communities through community development activities (10)
Strengthening the resources and opportunities in high-poverty neighborhoods (10)

Housing Issues

0 selected
No results found
Affirmatively furthering fair housing (10)
Affordable homeownership (18)
Affordable housing in opportunity areas or resource-rich neighborhoods (12)
Affordable rental housing (15)
Carbon emissions and energy use (8)
Community development (14)
Concentrated poverty (12)
Development feasibility (2)
Displacement (14)
Educational outcomes for children (9)
Equitable resources for residents of low income neighborhoods and communities of color (20)
Gentrification (11)
Homelessness (11)
Housing cost burden (4)
Housing quality and safety (12)
Housing supply (19)
Implementation (1)
Mixed use development (7)
Older adults (10)
People with disabilities (10)
Preservation of dedicated affordable housing (9)
Preservation of market affordable housing (5)
Public transit (9)
Racial equity (7)
Rental housing (13)
Resilience to flooding and other climate related threats (8)
Small and midsize cities (11)
Taxation issues (8)
Tenant protections (6)
Zoning (7)

Case Studies

0 selected
No results found
Addressing legacy resident displacement in Atlanta (1)
Affordable manufactured and modular housing strategies from Norwood, CO; Minneapolis, MN; and Halifax, MA (1)
Boulder County Regional Housing Partnership (4)
Building wealth and community for renters in Cincinnati, OH (1)
Combatting unsheltered homelessness in Oakland (2)
Disaster resilience and recovery strategies from Sonoma County, CA; Honolulu, HI; and Larimer County, CO (1)
Durham, NC $95 million bond for affordable housing (1)
Facilitating the development of accessory dwelling units in Portland, OR (2)
Housing trust funds in ten localities (1)
Linkage fees and affordable housing impact fees in ten localities (1)
Los Angeles Proposition HHH (1)
Minneapolis 2040 Plan (1)
North Texas Regional Assessment of Fair Housing (1)
Philadelphia’s Neighborhood Home Preservation Loan Program (1)
Rochester’s lead-based paint prevention ordinance (3)
Seattle “Grand Bargain” (2)
Small housing in Spokane, WA (4)
Spurring housing development with form-based codes in Chapel Hill, NC (6)
Vancouver’s tax levy for affordable housing (1)

I. Create and preserve dedicated affordable housing units

These policies facilitate the creation and preservation of housing units that come with legal restrictions on the incomes of the households that can occupy them and/or the rents or home prices that may be charged.

Establishing incentives or requirements for affordable housing

Generating revenue for affordable housing

Supporting affordable housing through subsidies

Preserving existing affordable housing

Expanding the availability of affordable housing in resource-rich areas

Creating durable affordable homeownership opportunities

Facilitating the acquisition or identification of land for affordable housing

II. Align housing supply with market and neighborhood housing conditions

These policies help localities match market rate supply with demand. Understanding local and regional housing market conditions and variation across neighborhoods can help localities determine whether (and where) they should focus on increasing the housing supply or addressing vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent properties.

Reducing development costs and barriers

Creating incentives for new development or redevelopment

Dealing with vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent properties

III. Help households access and afford private-market homes

These policies help renters afford the costs of privately owned housing units, help households become homeowners, improve affordability by reducing utility costs, and address housing discrimination.

Providing tenant-based rental assistance

Promoting mobility for housing choice voucher holders

Reducing barriers to homeownership

Reducing energy use and costs

Combatting housing discrimination

Regulating the use of existing housing stock

IV. Protect against displacement and poor housing conditions

These policies help reduce evictions and foreclosures, maintain and improve housing quality, stabilize neighborhoods, and reduce the loss of unsubsidized affordable housing units.

Enhancing renters’ housing stability

Enhancing homeowners’ housing stability

Enhancing community stability

Improving quality of both new and existing housing

Ensuring the ongoing viability of unsubsidized affordable rental properties

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